EURAM 2017 conference. Making knowledge work. 21-24 Jun. 2017, The Strathclyde Business School, at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. [EURAM 2017 Conference Book PDF]

Title of Paper

Using the deictic function of pronouns to map perspective and knowledge in research design: A study of computer-supported
cooperative work and participatory design in a multinational enterprise context


The purpose of this article is to illustrate how the deictic function of Pronouns in language canbe applied in qualitative research studies, in order to unfold knowledge zones acquired through different perspectives. In illustration of the method, the different types of knowledges needed when building software for computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) across organizational departments is mapped and analysed. Working with the assumption that knowledges are obtained via different perspectives, the deictic function of Pronouns in language is used to unfold a four-quadrant model of knowledge zones known as the Götheborg IV or G4 model. This four-quadrant model helps to identify various perspectives that can be applied in a participatory design (PD) framework in building a CSCW environment. This article illustrates how relative perspective and knowledge can be defined and applied in a systematic manner towards creating a better CSCW environment. This study uses as example, three departments in a European based MNE that collaborate daily with each other in serving their global customer base. At the broader contextual level of qualitative research design and framework of analysis, the relativity and dynamism encompassed by the G4 model potentially allows for the model to be applied in differing contextual situation towards prescriptive purposes.


Research design, linguistics, human-computer interaction, participatory design, knowledge mapping

Cordeiro, C. M. (2017). Using the deictic function of pronouns to map perspective and knowledge in research design: A study of computer-supported cooperative work and participatory design in a multinational enterprise context. Paper presented at the 2017 EURAM Conference, 21-24 Jun. 2017 at The Strathclyde Business School, at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. [PDF]

Presentation slides
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